How to ship trading cards with plain white envelope ( pwe )
To minimize potential issues with the Post Office (PO), follow these best practices when using a plain white envelope (PWE).
1. Use the Right Envelope Size:
Avoid the 6 3/4 envelope; instead, use the #10 envelope, which has fewer PO issues. The 6 3/4 size may incur extra charges for non-machinable rates due to its difficulty in meeting USPS 'bend-ability' requirements.
2. Packaging Steps:
- Step 1: Place the card protector (shield) on the left side of an 8 1/2 x 11-inch paper. If using two shields, place them side by side without overlapping, leaving a slight space between them.
- Step 2: Tape the shield to the paper using masking, painters, or washi tape to prevent movement during transit, reducing the risk of non-machinable or parcel surcharges.
- Step 3: Fold the paper over the shields.
- Step 4: Insert the folded paper into the #10 envelope, aligning the shield with the return address side.
- Step 5: Weigh the envelope, if necessary, and add appropriate postage. Single shield orders typically stay under 1 oz, but two shields may require an extra ounce stamp.
While these steps can't guarantee zero issues, they are based on extensive customer feedback and personal experience, significantly reducing the likelihood of problems.
Extra Tip: For one or two card orders, following these steps should allow the envelope to bend to 90°, meeting USPS guidelines.